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Sample Pack 1 (LoFi Guitars)

Free Typebeat guitar sample pack download

Free sample pack 1 (Lo Fi Guitars)

Clicca sul file per ascoltare. Sotto trovi il link per il free download completo
This is the free Sample Pack 1 (LoFi Guitars), click on file below to listen to. Below you will find the link for the complete sample pack free download

Stai ascoltando: >>

  • Bossa-80-Bm-CMaj7-Am7-(lo-fi).mp3
  • Bossa-Lofi-80-Cmaj7-Dmin7-Emin7-FMaj7-(lo-fi).mp3
  • Bossa-happy-80-CMaj7-Dm7-(lo-fi).mp3
  • Funky-mid-Time-90-Cmaj7-Amin7-(lo-fi).mp3
  • Indie-80-A-Cdiesm-Fdiesm7-D-(lo-fi).mp3
  • LOFI-80Amin9-Bmin7-CMaj7-Bmin7-(lo-fi).mp3

  • >>DOWNLOAD full sample pack (LoFi Guitars)

    Se ti piacciono i nostri samples gratuiti potresti ricambiare con un semplice LIKE sui nostri social. Ci farebbe molto piacere e anche questo non costa nulla! EN: If you like our free samples you could reciprocate with a simple LIKE on our social networks. We would be very happy and this costs nothing too!

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